A dining experience with forethought
Is there anything more fascinating than to watch a seed be planted and to follow its long and perilous journey to when it stands as a crisp spring cabbage, ready to harvest and ready to go directly to our menu. When you follow your raw ingredients from start to finish, you inevitably will handle them with respect and love.

When, in August 2014, we first opened the doors of our restaurant Hærværk, we began a journey towards a kitchen which deals only with fresh seasonal ingredients according to the conditions which naturally follow them and the small local producers and suppliers who grow and raise, catch, hunt and gather for us. A kitchen that receives weekly information on the ingredients that are harvest ready and at their very best, and then to determine and prepare the menu for the following opening days from Wednesday to Saturday. It leads to a playful and creative kitchen where knowledge and craftsmanship guarantee you an uncompromising gourmet experience.

The menu is dynamic and it’s only first when you sit down in the restaurant that you get an overview. It provides us with the framework to change and adapt to perfection according to the fresh ingredients we have available. That way we can serve food you wouldn’t necessarily have chosen yourself, but might come to love. All you have to decide is who you want to invite and what you want to drink.
In the selection of beverages, the style is the same as that of our other suppliers – small producers driven by great passion and with the greatest possible consideration for nature and the environment.
When we say forethought, we mean it all the way around. You will not find anyone in the restaurant who works for free or without agreement, we pay what proper raw materials, with emphasis on animal welfare and ecology, should cost, and everything from the napkin to the cleaning products are carefully selected based on the principles of sustainability. We are constantly evaluating our choices, leaving you with the very best taste in your mouth.