Our Suppliers
The cuisine at Hærværk, or at any other restaurant, is only as good as its suppliers. This is exactly why we take the time to find the right partners who have the same view of ecology and sustainability as we do, and are 100% dedicated to conjuring up the best raw materials imaginable.
Stable, loyal and long-term cooperation does not get us the cheapest ingredients as you might think, but it gets us the best, made according to our rigorous demands and in an uncompromising quality. It is also in this way that we make sure that exciting new ingredients always end up here.

Organic Summer Green near Hadsten weekly delivers vegetables and herbs to the restaurant. In the old gardens, Vigge and Astrid tend all kinds of exciting plants in large coldhouses and in the open air. They are always at the forefront in testing new and old exciting varieties and they manage to impress time and time again. The market garden also holds old land-bred pigs, which are fattened up on leftovers and discarded vegetables. These pigs are regularly found on our menu.

Organic Korsmedergaard near Randers is also a supplier of vegetables to the restaurant. Especially the basics in a very nice quality; potatoes, root vegetables, onions and the like, are cultivated by the over 80-year-old Svend Erik in his fields. Korsmedergaard also has an orchard and a larger hen coop where discarded vegetables are turned into fantastic eggs, which we naturally serve in the restaurant. http://www.korsmedergaard.dk/

Hertha Levefællesskab
The Hertha Living Community is located near Galten, and it is a heart-warming place where so- called “ordinary” people live in a close and rewarding community with adults with learning disabilities. They call it reverse integration. The community has a biodynamic farm including a small dairy herd of 9 cows and Denmark’s smallest state-of-the-art dairy. The cows give approx. 500 liters of milk a week, depending on the season, and our restaurant is lucky enough to purchase some of the unique milk products.https://www.hertha.dk/

The organic Brandbygegaard is located at Alrø, and here we pick up extra greens to supplement our menu. Things like edible flowers and wild herbs grow in the vineyard here. The farm mainly produces grapes and apples used for a wide range of sparkling wines, cider, spirits, port wines and more. At the restaurant you can always get a glass of sparkling apple bubbly from the farm’s vineyard, just as our beer is also brewed at Brandbygegaard. We have been working with Lone and Søren since we first opened Hærværk.https://lonelandmand.wordpress.com/

Havnens fiskehus
Our hearts beat with a love for fish, and over the years, with the desire for sustainable fishing, we have challenged the local fishing industry. A sustainable fish is a fish that is in season, it is caught with gentle gear that does not harm the environment, and is caught close to the coast – that is, from boats sailing out and returning home the same day and not transporting the fish half way around the globe. This means that our fish dishes are dependent on the supply, the wind and the season – again a welcome challenge for the kitchen.http://www.hf-aarhus.dk/

AS9Hummeren er en af de få aktive bierhvervs fiskere, som er tilbage i Århus havn. Der er desværre ikke mange fisk tilbage i Århus bugten, så vi må ”nøjes” med strandkrabber og hummere fra René, som han fanger med tegner og garn i de varme måneder. Du kan følge ham på https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=as9%20hummeren hvor han skriver hvornår han ca. lander og hvad han her med ind.

Jordkærgård er drevet af Nick, som er udlært tjener og arbejder deltid på Restaurant Møf, som er en af vores favorit steder i Århus. Det ligger på Jordkærvej 8 i Silkeborg, hvor de har sat en vej bod op. Nick er i gang med at omlægge til økologi og er en dejlig samarbejdspartner, som også laver nogen af de gamle sorter af grøntsager og urter.
Find ham på https://www.facebook.com/Jordkaergaard